Thu, 01 October 2020

Ventura + Partners awarded the gold medal twice at Prémios Lusófonos de Arquitetura e de Design de Interiores

Ventura + Partners was doubly awarded the maximum distinction at Prémios Lusófonos de Arquitetura e de Design de Interiores.

This was the first edition of the competition, organized by the Lisbon Awards Group and destined only to countries with Portuguese as the official language. Essenza was awarded in the Housing - Apartments category and the Pedro Hispano Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit project won at the Hospital and Health Equipment category.

The award pays tribute to the best projects in the area, taking into account their innovation, creativity, comfort, sustainability, and modernity. In a reality where architecture and interior design are essential to human happiness and the preservation of nature, Prémios Lusófonos de Arquitetura e de Design de Interiores aims to honor the studios and companies that have done more in the development of these sectors, uniting professionals from all over the Portuguese-speaking world.